Dr. Christina Marin

Dr. Christina Marín joined Emerson College as an Assistant Professor of Theatre Education in 2010. She teaches Drama as Education, Theatre of the Oppressed, Human Rights in Theatre, and Qualitative Research.

Dr. Christina MarinDr. Christina Marín joined Emerson College as an Assistant Professor of Theatre Education in 2010. She teaches Drama as Education, Theatre of the Oppressed, Human Rights in Theatre, and Qualitative Research.

Her research interests examine the intersection of theater pedagogy and human rights education, and the use of theatre in health education. She has presented at the annual conferences of the American Alliance for Theatre & Education, the American Society for Theatre Research, the Association for Theatre in Higher Education, among others.

Dr. Marín has also conducted workshops and delivered papers in Colombia, Ecuador, South Africa, Ireland, Singapore, Jamaica, Turkey, and Mexico. Her research and artistic endeavors have been funded by the American Association for University Women, the American Alliance for Theatre & Education, and The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation.

She is published in STAGE of the Art, Youth Theatre Journal, Children Under Construction: Play as Curriculum, and Theatre of the Oppressed and Youth.