New programmes at the Theatre Arts Conference just announced
Notice! New and exciting additions to our SDEA Theatre Arts Conference 2023 Schedule that you would not want to miss have just landed!
"Let's Roll Around In The Artground" sees Luanne Poh (The Artground) and Faye Lim (Rolypoly Family) share about providing a space for "playfulness" through curated works and their experience developing artistic and training capacities with The Artground.
You could also join us for the Producers Social #31with Producers SG, a Saturday lunchtime of light bites and collegial conversations where the SDEA Advocacy Subcommittee will share about The Arts Freelancers’ Playbook, a new digital resource for Arts Freelancer's to better understand and navigate the world of contracts. This programme is open to non-conference passholders too!
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