Public Talk by Clifton Ko Chi Sum (in Mandarin)

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Looking at creativity through comedies: Sharing session on making comedies and its processes

Clifton Ko MG 8635b

Having directed more than 30 comedy films that were popular and well-received with Singapore audiences, including "Happy Ghost", "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World", "All's Well, Ends Well", "All's Well, Ends Well Too", "Mr. Coconut", "Chicken and Duck Talk", Clifton understands Singaporeans' passion for comedy. The talk will be using Clifton's experience in these film productions to analyze the characteristics of comedies, its underlying methods, the inspirations and conceptualization of comedies, how the comedies attract and captivate the audiences, the theory of "logical scenario but with surprising twists" and how such a creative principle is employed.

公开讲座 : 從喜劇看創意 分享過去拍攝喜劇電影的經驗,談喜劇創作。 曾經執導三十多部廣為新加坡人熟悉的喜劇包括《開心鬼》、《富貴逼人》、《家有喜事》、《花田喜事》、《合家歡》、《雞同鴨講》等,深明新加坡人十分喜愛看喜劇。講座會引用自身的創作經驗去分析喜劇有什麼特色、方法,如何啓發構思喜劇,如何打動和吸引觀眾,何謂「合乎情理而出乎意料之外」,這創作原則是如何運用?還有喜劇場面、錯摸手法的表達,並引用不少自身作品及大師級作品的例子作說明。大家經過重溫經典電影片段開懷大笑之餘亦能領略喜劇的創作是達致效果。

About Clifton Ko Chi Sum

In 2005, Clifton Ko Chi Sum was awarded the title of Professor Emeritus by College of Art Hebei University. In 2006, Ko was awarded the Medal of Honour by the HKSAR Government for his work to promote local theatre. In the Election Committee Subsector Elections in 2007, Ko received the highest number of votes in the Sports, Performing Arts, Culture and Publication category and was elected as one of the committees. Ko is titled the University Fellowship of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2013.

About the Public Talk

Admission is free, registration is required. Registration will start at 2.30pm.